Sunday, January 22, 2012

6 mini's or 3 square meals?

Which will help me slim down-6 mini meals or 3 squares? I get this question a lot, especially from people who are trying to slim down, because I'm a registered dietitian and nutrition editor of EatingWell Magazine. It's a common question, especially among dieters looking to get an extra edge on their weight loss.

Many experts say it's best to eat mini meals every few hours. The idea behind it is this: eating frequently may help curb your appetite and stabilize your blood sugar-preventing the dips that leave you feeling hungry-which makes slimming down more doable.
But recent research, published in the journal Obesity, suggests that grazing on multiple mini meals won't promote weight loss any more than sticking to three squares. When overweight or obese dieters spread a very-low-calorie diet over six meals, their appetite and hunger were no different than when they ate the same diet in three daily meals. And, truth be told, these findings support older, similar research.

So what's that mean for you? How much you eat is more important than how often you eat. (Find out how many calories you should be eating here.) If eating more often causes you to overeat-say multiple meals turn into all-day grazing-try eating fewer meals. But if you're a three-meal-a-day person who gorges each time you sit down because you're so famished, adding in a snack or two, even three, might help.
Don't Miss: Eat These Snacks to Burn Fat
Whatever you choose, including fiber-fruits, vegetables and whole grains-and lean protein in your meals and snacks is essential when you're dieting, as both nutrients provide staying power to keep you feeling full until you eat next.

What works best for you when you're dieting: multiple, smaller meals or just 3 squares?
By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D.

Brierley's interest in nutrition and food come together in her position as nutrition editor at EatingWell. Brierley holds a master's degree in Nutrition Communication from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. A Registered Dietitian, she completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Vermont.

Explain this....

So my scale isn't showing a HUGE difference in weight lost (matter of fact I've gained a few >_< ) yet my pants don't fit. And I'm not talking just a little give ...

Can someone elaborate? I have NO pants that fit!! I'm too big for my size 12, size 16 is WAY too big and 14 won't stay up either?! What on earth? To make things worse my pants bunch up (a lot) when I wear a belt, which looks worse, in my opinion, than just pulling them up every once in awhile. Ack.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm going to barf...

That's pretty much how I felt going into the gym to meet up with my trainer. Why you ask? The prospect of being weighed and measured and coming up short. I'm so disappointed in myself. I didn't work hard enough, 5 days a week in the gym and not much of an improvement. I'm not only disappointed I'm heartbroken.


4lbs lost

36.2% body fat (down)

63.8% lean body mass (up)

121.3lbs lean body mass (up)

Waist- 34 1/4" 2 inches (down)

46 3/4" hips (down, my hips don't

12 1/2" R. Arm ( up one inch, ack welcome to the gun show)

24 1/2" R. Thigh

16" R. Calf (down an inch ... I think)

Had I been in the correct frame of mind I would've remembered to note down my starting measurements 4 weeks ago, but alas I only focused on my failure to produce big numbers in a downward trend. After a quick session I promptly kicked my own butt and did far too much. I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but that's what I deserve.

I can't even express in words how disappointed I am. Failure isn't an option, I'm sick and tired of being the fat girl... or the one that has an awesome personality. For once I want to be the hot chick... ::sigh:: wishful thinking right?

Weigh in...

So today I might be doing a weigh in with my new trainer... yep another one. Sabrina moved on to the fire department and I wasn't seeing the results I wanted from my next trainer, so yep now for the first time EVER I'm working with a male. Shocking I know. I'm actually pretty surprised I'm able to do it without wiggin' out. I'm very comfortable with him ... and I'm getting results, I think, or at the very least I feel better. So its been awhile since I posted a picture of the baby machine, the oven isn't the same since #3 but maybe I'll feel comfortable with it once again.... maybe, eventually.

I'll let you know the final stats after tonight...eek!