Monday, June 7, 2010

Lap Band Journey - Pre-Op

Let's all support Katy in her journey!!!

1 comment:

  1. Exciting!!! Hope everything turns out great. I've already been chatting with Katy on Facebook, I have 1 uncle and 2 aunts who have had this surgery and know what she is about to go through. I myself have just started my (watch my fat) diet and this is due to the doctor telling me im back to 188 the weight i was a year ago when i moved out of Bakersfield. I lost 30 lbs the first month moving to Orange county because everyone here exersizes ALL the time, i just had to join in. The problem is, I dont work and tend to eat ALL day... Im fixing that. 36g of fat / day, or 12 max per meal (no cheating just cuz i missed breakfast. Ill post how it goes and I really REALLY hope Katy gets through this with the best outcome possible!
